Finance Managers and Heads of Institutions in CDTY Receive Training on Internal Financial Management
By Baraka John
Finance managers and heads of institutions drawn from different institutions under the Catholic Diocese of Tambura -Yambio (CDTY) have kicked off a two-day training on internal financial management, to strengthen the finances of the diocese.
The financial management training has been organized by the office of the bishop with the aim to boost the capacity of finance officers and heads of institutions, on how to embark on local resource mobilization and enhance the financial stability of the diocese.
Addressing the 75 participants, the Bishop of the CDTY His Lordship Barani Edwardo Hiiboro Kusala said: “This workshop training is to do with mapping and scanning our diocese, our strength to manage ourselves, to manage our resources, to invest in our diocese”.
The initiative is expected to see the diocese have a long-term commitment to develop mindsets and be holistically tuned to the local fundraising framework.
His Lordship Hiiboro described this workshop as a way to devise strategies to strengthen the ability of different finance officers and heads of institutions how they can channel their focus toward mobilizing resources locally.
The CDTY Bishop urged the participants to be more creative in their institutions to come up with new ways of sustaining their institutions through raising resources from within their vicinity.
“I assumed there is no one outside there who is going to give us money. So, let us try to care for our diocese, so that’s why a new way of thinking has to be developed, this workshop is about your chapels, centers, Parishes, deanery, and all the Catholic institutions to ensure you get basic knowledge on how to sustain your instructions”.
Among the topic for the training include income generating activities and strengthening of local capacity, building local resource mobilization skills and techniques, local resource management, and internal financial control among others.
The training is also to provide all the stakeholders in the CDTY with a comprehensive overview of successful strategies for the mobilization resources locally for the parishes, and institutions.
Catholic Bishops of South Sudan Urge the Transitional Government of National Unity to Speed up the Constitutional-Making Process
By Sr. Henriette Anne (FSSA)
Catholic Bishops have in a collective statement urged the Transitional Government of National Unity to speed up the Constitutional making process.
In their June 30th statement shared with Rurugene Online Newsletter, they expressed, “We appeal to the Transitional Government of National Unity to expedite the finalization of the Constitutional making process, the creation of one and unified National Armed Forces and their deployment, to conduct Census and finding a quick durable solution to the return of IDPs to their places and returnees from the neighboring countries, and finally ensure fair, transparent, and credible elections are conducted on time.
Echoic the words of Pope Francis on his Ecumenical visit to South Sudan, the prelates said, “It is time to move from words to deeds, it is time to return a new page, it is time for commitment to an argent and much-needed transformation”.
They added, that the current power-sharing government needs to demonstrate political will in bringing about a just and peaceful dispensation in the country since the country is not fully at peace.
The Church leaders have condemned the R-ARCSS for creating a flawed process of creating peace, “The R-ARCSS has not resolved the root cause of the conflicts in South Sudan but has merely created a mechanism where the elite can find a way of existing in an uneasy partnership at the expense of the ordinary people. It is a flawed process, and there will never be peace in South Sudan as long as the international community insists on this type of model”.
They also appealed to the parties to implement fully the agreement they signed since the President vowed not to return the country to war but there is violence in many areas of the country which cannot simply be dismissed.
Reflecting once again on the words of Holy Father Pope Francis, that the “leaders to serve rather than rule, and to work for the good of all rather than for their own narrow interests”, the Catholic Church Leaders have urged the government to consider the issue of peace seriously so that South Sudan can be self-dependent economically.
They expressed their fear that the conflict in neighboring countries such as Sudan, D.R. Congo, and the Central African Republic may spill across the borders and have a negative impact on South Sudan’s internal conflict if the root cause of the problems is not addressed.
In conclusion, they underscored that “the year 2024 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Catholic Church in Sudan ceasing to be a “Missionary Territory” and becoming a local in its own right. As we prepare to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Church’s growth and the fortieth anniversary of the National Eucharistic Congress, we thank God for all those who have contributed to these great events of our faith”.
“Introduction of Night Patrol is to Maintain Order and Not to Restrict Night Movement”, Says Hon. Barakati ahead of the Country’s 12th anniversary
By Baraka John
The commissioner for Yambio County Hon. Mbiko Barakati in his recent interview with Anisa FM underscored that the introduction of night patrol in Yambio’s main town is to keep public order as South Sudanese are preparing to celebrate their Country’s 12th anniversary of independence.
South Sudan will mark its 12th anniversary of independence on Sunday 9th July 2023, after seceding from Sudan in 2011 with approximately 90% of the then-Southerners voting for an independent nation.
During the interview, Commissioner Mbiko Barakati noted that both the county and the state authorities came up with a strategic plan to introduce night patrol this week to maintain the security of the people against criminals who would cease this eve of independence to cause crimes.
This comes after several concerns raised by citizens lamenting that the presence of organized forces who conduct the night patrol is causing fear in them while returning home from the club.
“The night patrol introduced a couple of four days ago in Yambio municipality is to ensure that people and their properties are kept against banditries who only come on the eve of big days to loot people and their properties”, Barakati said.
The commissioners further said “There is no course of alarm in Yambio. Some people think by introducing the night patrol means there is insecurity, but this is not the case. What the county authorities are doing is to maintain order and peace during this independence celebration, stressing that the patrol doesn’t restrict night movement.
Since gaining her independence, the government has never organized an official commemoration for the nation’s anniversary.
Catholic Bishops of South Sudan Condemns the Ongoing Violation of Human Rights in Sudan
Sr. Henriette Anne (FSSA)
Following the ongoing war that erupted in Khartoum, Sudan between rival factions of the country’s military government on Saturday, April 15, Catholic Bishops in South Sudan condemned the violation of human rights that is taking place every day.
“Human rights abuses are taking place on daily bases, killing, looting, and raping. Hospitals are being destroyed, and essential services such as access to food, water, and electricity are being denied to the civilian population. In many Sudanese cities, heavy weapons are being used indiscriminately and civilians are being killed. These are unacceptable and we condemn the acts in the strongest possible term”.
In their Friday 30th June statement, they called upon the warring parties to respect the will of the Sudanese people which calls for the two separate military forces to be merged and to come under civilian control.
“The ordinary civilians of Sudan have made their wishes known through the non-violence protests which overthrew President Bashir in 2019, and which continued after the new military takeover in 2021. They want democratic civilian control. We, the Bishops of South Sudan call upon the warring parties to respect the will of the Sudanese people”.
Highlighting the different ways of achieving peace, the prelates on their Friday statement signed by H.G Stephene Ameyu Martin Mulla, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Juba and Vice President of SCBC, H.L. Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, the Bishop of Tombura-Cambio, H.L Stephene NoNyodho Adhor, Bishop of Malakal, H.L. Mathew Remijo Adam MCCJ, Bishop of Wau, H.L. Christian Carlasarre MCCJ.Bishop of Rumbek. H.L. Alex Lodiong Sakor Eyobo, Bishop of Yei, H.L. Emmanuel Bernadino Lowi Napeta, Bishop of Torit, and H.L. Santo Loku Pio Doggale, Auxiliary Bishop of Juba called on the international community to prevail over the Sudan’s warring parties to choose dialogue as means to resolve their differences.
Sudan Catholic Bishops have shared their sentiments, expressing their solidarity with their brothers and sister in Sudan, “we express our sadness and concern for the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Sudan. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We continue to pray for our brothers Bishops; Archbishops Michael Didi, The Metropolitan Archbishop of Khartoum, H.G. Luis Miguel Munoz Cardaba, The Apostolic Nuncio to Sudan, His Eminence, Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir Wako, H.L. Tombe Trille of El-Obeid Diocese, Bishop Daniel Adwok the Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum, with all the Church Personnel, the Christians, and all Sudanese citizens as they suffer the horrible impact of the war”.
They promised that they will continue to provide moral support through their Caritas South Sudan alongside with people of goodwill who are already in support and solidarity with Sudanese.
In conclusion, they commended the government of South Sudan for welcoming refugees fleeing from Sudan and urged them to continue doing so and called upon the international community to provide needed humanitarian aid both within Sudan and in South Sudan and other neighboring countries which are hosting Sudanese refugees.
“In the Spirit of Cleanliness is Next Godliness”, More than 300 Christians gathered to Take Care of their Surrounding Environment
By Baraka John
Hundreds of Christians and developmental groups including school children on Wednesday 28th, 2023 gathered to clean around the premises of Corpus Christi Catholic parish at Gangura Payam.
The initiative to clean around the premises of the parish was initiated by Seminarian Ngbanduwa John with the aim to maintain the surrounding of the parish clean.

Speaking to Anisa Radio, Seminarian Ngbanduwa John said that more than 300 believers participated in the activity including the pupils of St. Peter primary school.
“I thought it wise to call on the Christians there to conduct the general cleaning exercise despite the absence of the parish priest Rev. Fr. Ezekiel Sungerukuri who is for treatment in Uganda.
Seminarian John added, during the exercise, the groups also cleaned up two acres of land meant for the plantation of coffee that the diocese intended to do. He said the two acres of land is ready awaiting the plantation of coffee there.

Both seminarian Ngbanduwa John and Gimigu Mark are students of St. Paul the II Philosophicium major seminary in the Catholic diocese of Tambura Yambio, situated at St Josephine Bakhitha Parish in Yambio. The two seminarians were sent to Corpus Christi Catholic parish at Gangura Payam to help the clergyman there in pastoral works.
On her part, Mrs. Gloria James who took part in the cleaning exercise applauded the initiative and said this will keep the surrounding environment neat and clean all the time, she further said, “Since the deployment of the seminarians in the parish, they continue to exert more efforts to support pastoral work there”.
Mr. Batista, the youth leader in Gangura resident, encouraged other Christians to consider cleaning their various parishes as a character of believers.
Seminarian John Ngdanduuwa in his remarks urged other parishes to embrace the spirit of keeping their surrounding clean for better health, he expressed that catholic churches should work to keep both the spirit and body clean.
Pupil of St Peter primary school after cleaning church compound-Gangura
In Advocating for More Sustainable Agriculture, Prelate Appeals to Each Parish to Have One Acre Farm
By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA
Ahead of World Food Day (WFD) marked on October 16 annually, bishop Eduardo, the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) appeals to all Parishes and institutions under CDTY to have one-acre farms during this rainy season in order to have food surplus.
Basing his reflection on the book of Genesis 2:15, he said, “The Lord took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Therefore, I, the Bishop of the diocese of Tombura Yambio am calling upon all of the Parishes and Institutions under my diocese to start a one-acre farm (or more as per your capacity) during this rainy season. In so doing, we shall have food in our houses, and even have a surplus to give to those in need including the vulnerable among us”. He continued, “The Bible in Proverbs 12: 11 further states the importance of farming by saying that; ‘’those who work on their land will have abundant food…’’ Therefore, let us purposely make a conscious effort in starting to farm in earnest by creating not less than one acre of the farm so that there may be food in the institution and parish. The produce from these farms can further be converted into money for our benefit”.
In his June 26, 2023 statement, the Catholic Bishop noted that the donor’s support is dwindling and therefore they need to change their mindset and face reality.
“With dwindling support from funding partners in Europe and the USA, we need to call on the support of those who benefit from our work to stand with our policy of diocesan reconnaissance or paradigm shift of our mindset to face the monster already devouring us each day”, he explained.
To achieve this thought, he gave the following direction for July – October planting season;
“Parishes to open One Acre obligatory for your given place of work and the one Acre of land must be within the official church-leased land. One Acre is an obligation by this directive to make it realized by any given parish or institution. This directive does not prevent creativity of any place should they wish to do more than one acre. He added You are allowed to use Sunday collections twice a month from July to November 2023 to support the realization of this initiative. Parishes or institutions are allowed to make special fundraising to finance this project. This call is open also to any creative and effective chapels, Centers or quasi-parishes, or small institutions. The Crops to be planted on the Acre farm will be determined by the nature of the land in that designated plot. We suggest maize, sesame, sorghum, beans, or G/nuts. Will be waiting for feedback on this enterprise from the responsible of their allotted places. The first report on farming activities will be expected in the first week in the month of October. A Parish Food Security Taskforce must be established to monitor every progress at every stage. Reporting and updates must be to the faithful or members every week”.
He further said that relief and donation are not the solution but improving productive activities like cultivation will raise the standards of people, “I firmly believe that relief and charity are not the solutions. My premise is that to raise the standards of living, people need to improve their own productive activities – in this case, cultivation, livestock, and fishing. That is why I am directing all parishes and institutions to promote this paradigm shift or deliverance from a bad mindset.
He also suggested that an exchange program be organized where all the products of all kinds can go around in exchange and at the same time encouraging the building of houses and handing over to the poorest who cannot afford to own a house.
He added, “we are privileged in this part of the country to have fertile land that receives rain that enables us to farm and eat from our farms. Let us not shy away from farming and embark on this practice in earnest. I suggest that we consider planting crops like; maize, beans, groundnuts, cassava, rice, potatoes, and any other that will yield fruits for us”.
To execute this program and bring out true development and a change in people’s minds, the prelate stressed to all the stakeholders not to give anything for free since this gesture makes them become independent and lose dignity, he continued, try and fathom the real need of each parish and her people in the selection of crops which they find comfortable to plant and to make sure that there is full participation of all parishioners so that they take ownership of their farm.
On the issues of funding, he said, “we can execute this noble project by soliciting help from our Christians (in the case of Parishes) and from the members of our institutions e.g. students. I am also directing that we keep aside offerings for two Sundays and use them for the purposes of farming. From the offerings, we can be able to purchase seeds, and clear and plow the land. When we start farms, the promises of God in Deuteronomy 16:15 will be our portion, and the Lord will bless our harvests so that we shall have bounty harvests. The Lord will also bless the work of our hands so that we shall be joyful in His name”.
Meet Mrs. Anna Aquila, a Student at SARD Institute Aiming to Embrace Agri-Culture as a Full-Time Job
By Baraka John
Anna Aquila Gift is a young vibrant lady who hails from Western Equatoria state, aspiring to become a self-reliant woman in the near future through the practicing of agriculture as the source of income.
During the interview with the Rurugene reporter, Mrs. Anne revealed that her aim is to open up a big farm once she completes her 16 months of agricultural training at the institute.
Standing in the middle of her demonstration farm, Anna explains to the visiting state minister for agriculture and CDTY Bishop, how she gradually getting transformed from a localized farming system into the modern one.
She added that the 16-month course would highly change her life because she believed to start something new.
“I’m committed here to get modern skills of farming. I need this skill to turn around things. My focus is to become an innovative farmer in Western Equatoria state who will be supplying food across and beyond the country”, Anna stated.
Western Equatoria state is blessed with fertile land that needs no chemicals to rejuvenate the land for a better yield. Young people have mostly been encouraged by the state government and the Church to embark on farming to do away with poverty and hunger.
Mr. Marcello Constamtino a tutor at SARD Institute disclosed that most of the students who have completed their 16-month course and have been attached at Riimenze farm for monthly practical sessions awaiting their graduation.
SARD Institute aims to design and offer agricultural training programs in modern sustainable agriculture for rural development.
The institute based its emphasis on Agri- perineural training, so as to improve the agricultural skills and knowledge leading to production, marketing, peaceful and food-secure society.
The agricultural institute offers three categories of courses for 16 months, 6 months, and 1 week.
“Let the Sacred Heart of Jesus Remind You of the Mystery of the Love of God”, Bishop Urge Devotee
By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA
On the occasion of Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Devotee across CDTY have been called to let the Sacred Heart of Jesus remind them of the mystery of the love of God for the people of all times and as His followers are called to do the same.
In his homily he said, “St. Louis de Montfort said of our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, “If you put all the love of all the mothers into one heart, it still would not equal the love of the heart of Mary for her children.” When we honor the Immaculate Heart, we give ultimate honor to Jesus”.
He added, “The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio has a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and indeed a very strong devotional group who are very energetic and huge empowerment for the diocese”.
The devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in CDTY are over 5000 members in all 35 parishes they hold special celebrations as they all make devotional promises for one year to practice the true love of God.
Referring to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, he said, “The Sacred Heart is the actual heart of Christ and also indicates His love for humanity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The prayer of the Church venerates and honors the Heart of Jesus just as it invokes his most holy name. It adores the incarnate Word and his Heart which, out of love for men, he allowed to be pierced by our sins.” (CCC 2669).
Associated with St. Margaret Mary Alacoque who saw multiple visions of the Sacred Heart between 1673 and 1675, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been celebrated all over the world since 1856 during the time of Pius IX where devotees honor the heart of Jesus as a symbol of “God’s boundless and passionate love for humankind.”
State Minister for Agriculture and CDTY Bishop Inspects SARD Institute in Support of Changing Social and Economic Condition of Society Through Agriculture
By Baraka John
The State Minister of Agriculture and the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura -Yambio on Tuesday 20th June 2023 morning, paid an inspection visit to the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (SARD) to inspect the practical learning of different components of agriculture.
Hon. Alison Barnaba and His Lordship Barani Edwardo Hiiboro met with the students of SARD Institute and encouraged them to commit to agricultural work as one way to alleviate hunger in the community.
In his message of encouragement, Hon. Alison Barnaba called upon the students to use the skills they are acquiring in the field to change the style of farming system in the State.
The minister expresses his ministry’s readiness to work hand in hand with the SARD institute to promote and encourage farming in the state through acquiring modern skills in agriculture.
“What we are after is, we are trying to increase our productivity of agriculture, and this has been our policy that all South Sudanese must engage in business agriculture farming. We need our people to be rich, to be able to pay school fees of their kids, maintain their lives, and even donate relief assistance to other countries” Minister Barnaba stated.
The minister added, “This is purely the initiative of the Catholic Church to support the poor people, to overcome poverty in the region by only to farming oil will never last for a hundred years but agricultural farming will last for a hundred years”.
Meanwhile, Barani Edwardo Hiiboro welcomed the visit of the agriculture minister to see for himself the development at the institute, he noted, the SARD institute aims to bring peace to the community through cultivation to fight out hunger.
“The common enemy is hunger, if everybody is eating, there will be no conflict, so this is a farm for peace, these students are working to bring peace to the Country. We as the diocese open up to collaborate with the State Ministry of Agriculture because we want to educate everybody to produce enough food in our State”, Bishop Hiiboro explained.
SARD Institute is an initiative of the CDTY initiated in 2021, with the sole objective to transform a peaceful, food secure, and economically enable society through improved modern sustainable agriculture for rural development.