Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio Extends Heartfelt Congratulations to Cardinal Ameyu
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) has congratulated Cardinal Dr. Ameyu Martin Mula on his elevation by Pope Francis.
“On behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, I would like to congratulate you on being elevated to Cardinal and thanks to Pope Francis for blessing South Sudan with its first Cardinal”.
In a Public Consistory held on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City, Pope Francis elevated 20 bishops and a priest to the prestigious rank of Cardinal. Among the newly appointed Cardinals was His Grace Dr. Stephen Ameyu Martin Mula, the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Juba in South Sudan.
The elevation of Cardinal Martin makes him the second South Sudanese Cardinal after H.G. Cardinal Gabriel Zubeir Wako
Bishop Eduardo added “We are confident that your spiritual leadership will promote the endeavors of the Church in South Sudan with so much to desire, its mission work, and pastoral contributions. We believe that your role as a church leader will be able to guide congregations and churches in your state and beyond for just and peaceful societies, with positive participation”.
One of the Cardinal’s essential roles is participation in the election of a new pope during a conclave, underscoring their influential position within the Catholic Church.
Each of the new cardinals who received the red hat at the consistory on Saturday chose a spiritual motto, giving a window into their spirituality and priorities. For Cardinal Dr. Stephene Ameyu Martin Mulla, “Joy in the Eternal Word Made Flesh” is his spiritual motto and his Episcopal coat of arms includes African drums, a traditional shield, and a golden cross.
“While we admire your contributions as a church in the Archdiocese of Juba, I especially would like to offer my heartfelt prayers for you, I pray that when you take up this new role, God’s empowering love, wisdom, and unity will surround you, as you serve communities and deal with the challenges that church in South Sudan have to address. Congratulations!”, Bishop Eduardo narrated.
Don Bosco Secondary School Students Lead Maridi’s Transformation: A Tale of Youth, Unity, and Environmental Change
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
The students of Don Bosco Secondary School embarked on a mission that would transform not only their immediate surroundings but also the attitudes of the people living there. Fueled by a shared passion for cleanliness and environmental care, the students organized a massive cleaning event that aimed to breathe new life into their town.
The presence and appreciation expressed by the county education director, representative from the county health department, and the authorities of Maridi are essential for acknowledging the students’ hard work and dedication. Recognizing their efforts in maintaining cleanliness and promoting environmental consciousness serves as a positive reinforcement for the students and motivates them to continue their good work.
Additionally, the support and encouragement from these local authorities play a significant role in inspiring the broader community to adopt similar practices. When respected figures in the community endorse such initiatives, it sends a powerful message to the local residents, encouraging them to follow the example set by Don Bosco students.
This collaborative effort between the students, educational authorities, and local community leaders not only contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment but also fosters a sense of civic pride and responsibility among everyone involved. Such initiatives are essential for building stronger, more responsible communities and nurturing a culture of environmental stewardship.
The story of Don Bosco Secondary School students and their impactful initiative served as a beacon of hope, proving that when a community comes together, guided by the passion of its youth and supported by its leaders, incredible transformations are possible. Maridi became a living example of how harmony in action could turn a dream of a cleaner, healthier environment into a tangible reality, reminding everyone that positive change begins with a single, determined step.
Catholic Synod Retreat Concludes with Calls for Inclusivity and Understanding
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
At the end of the three-day retreat that preceded the Synod Assembly, the participants were encouraged to listen to one another and to come together despite the different understandings of the Church.
“We may be divided by different hopes, but if we listen to the Lord and to each other, seeking to understand his will for the Church and the world, we shall be united in a hope that transcends all our disagreements”, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe said in a retreat meditation on Oct. 1.
In a live-streamed retreat meditation at Sacrofano Retreat Center, Fr. Radcliffe urged the Synod delegates to embrace their differences, express their doubts, and cast away fears.
The Dominican preacher began the retreat by acknowledging his limitation saying, “I’m deeply aware of my personal limitation. I’m old, white, western, and a man. And I don’t know which is worse. All these aspects of my identity limit my understanding, so I ask for your forgiveness for the inadequacy of my words”.
He further reminded the delegates to “journey towards a Church” where people who “do not yet feel at home in the Church”.
“Our lives are nourished by beloved traditions and devotions. If they are lost, we grieve. But also, we remember those who do not yet feel at home in the Church: women who feel that they are unrecognized in a patriarchy of old white men like me! People who feel that the Church is too Western, too Latin, too colonial. We must journey towards a Church in which they are no longer at the margin but at the center,” Fr. Radcliffe explained.
Reflecting on the sources of divisions in the Catholic Church, he said, “Different understandings of the Church as home tear us apart today. For some it is defined by its ancient traditions and devotions, its inherited structures and language, the Church we have grown up with and love. It gives us a clear Christian identity. For others, the present Church does not seem to be a safe home. It is experienced as exclusive, marginalizing many people, including women: the divorced and remarried. For some, it is too Western, too Eurocentric”.
He also highlighted what Instrumentum Laboris, the document guiding the Synod Assembly says about the gay people and the people in polygamous marriages, “They long for a renewed Church in which they will feel fully at home, recognized, affirmed, and safe. For some the idea of a universal welcome, in which everyone is accepted regardless of who they are, is felt as destructive of the Church’s identity. … They believe that identity demands boundaries. But for others, it is the very heart of the Church’s identity to be open. Pope Francis said, ‘The Church is called on to be the house of the Father, with doors always wide open”
For the priests, the preacher noted that they need a strong sense of identity, an esprit de corps. But who shall we be in this Church which is liberated from clericalism? How can the clergy embrace an identity which is not clerical? This is a great challenge for a renewed Church. Let us embrace it without fear, a new fraternal understanding of ministerial priesthood!”
The three-day retreat ended on Tuesday, 3rd October ushering the participants into the next phase of the journey which is a twenty-five-day synod gathering at Aula Paul VI at the Vatican, from October 4 – 25, 2023.
Catholic Diocese of Tombura Gears Up for Annual Celebration of Catholic Education Schools Day
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
Catholic Education Schools Day, often celebrated in various Catholic schools and communities, is an occasion to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Catholic education to society. This year, the Catholic Diocese of Tombura (CDTY) will celebrate its big day on 10th October.
In a statement shared with the Rurugene Online Newsletter, Mr. Daudau Caesar Sasa, the Education Coordinator of CDTY underscored that Catholic Education Day is an annual program in which they come together as a family to share their experience in the field of education and the learners have the opportunity to perform various activities.
“I would like to bring to your attention that this Day was launched by the Bishop, Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio in 2018, and right from that time we have been celebrating this Day and it has been an annual program that we come together as a family to share our experiences in the field of education and in that day, learners perform varieties activities ranging from educative activities, cultural activities, creativity, talents, and many others”.
Each celebration has its own theme, and this year the celebration will be under the theme, “Catholic Schools: Faith, Excellence, and Service”, stressing that all Catholic Schools should organize the celebration in their own schools or a joint celebration for schools that are around each other.
He further explained that the celebration should begin with marching to the Church, followed by Holy Mass and different activities if organized then a final blessing.
He also suggested that different activities can be, for instance inviting motivational speakers to speak to the students.
Catholic Education Schools Day is a time to celebrate the holistic education provided by Catholic schools, emphasizing academic excellence, character development, and the nurturing of strong moral values within a supportive and inclusive community.
Be Beacons of Hope and Faith Just Like Bishop Gasi, Says Mr. Simon to CDTY Seminarians
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
As the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) commemorates the life of Bishop Gasi on Friday, September 15, 2023, the iconic South Sudanese Prelate who has been described as a prayerful man who served the Church wholeheartedly, Mr. Simon Mikanipare Dukpurokari urged all the CDTY Seminarians at various seminaries to follow the footsteps of Bishop Gasi since they are the light and salt for the Diocese.
“I woke up thinking about my Rev Seminarians of CDTY starting in Maingbangaru, in St Bakhita, in Juba St Paul, in Uganda, in Kenya, in Italy (Roma) in Spain, and elsewhere that I have not mentioned, you are the light, the salt, and hope of the future of the Diocese. As we conclude this week of Titarani Bishop Gasi, I know you are already filled with the strength of his wisdom and focus”.
In his Friday 15th, message shared through WhatsApp, Mr. Simon reminded Seminarians that young men like them had often been distracted from their spiritual calling, lost in the chaos of the world. But now, in a world fraught with challenges and uncertainties, the need for their spiritual leadership is more critical than ever appealing to all of them to get to the altar so that the Catholic faith may be rooted into generation coming up.
“Gone are the days when young men were interrupted in their spiritual call and had no proper focus on their spiritual calls, but with all the needs in our world now, we need many of you to get to the alter so that the Catholic faith is rooted into our generation coming up”, Mr. Simon explained.
He added that the face of the world is changing rapidly stressing that the commitment of Seminarians and their dedication is paramount in bringing God’s word and guidance into the lives of people of Baguga, Rangu, Nabiapai, Baragu, Sinakpuro, Source Yubu, Bafuka, Gangura, and many other places.
“It’s your commitment that will keep the word of the Lord to be respected and save us.
The evil war of the world has just started to spread, we need Godly guidance to see us through”.
Reflecting on the life of the 12 Disciples who left everything to follow Jesus, Mr. Simon reminded the Seminarians that the timeless truth of God’s word and work remains steadfast, it had been, it was and it would continue to be now and forever, therefore, they should also do the same.
He further assured them that they are loved, thought of, and cared for by the community and they are destined to serve in Parishes, and chapels, bringing God’s grace and love to the faithful.
Inspired by the words of Pope Francis, he urged them to embrace unity and faith as they looked forward to the day of their ordination.
He expressed gratitude to the rectors who have shouldered the responsibility of nurturing the young men in their spiritual growth.
“We thank our rectors in all these seminaries for dressing up this responsibility, it is not easy to nurture young men in their spiritual growth. May the Lord bless you”,
He extended a warm greeting and welcome to Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kusala, who had been a pillar of support for their journey.
Bishop Eduardo Recognizes Bishop Abangite’s Enduring Impact on the Life of Many
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
At the celebration of the 9th anniversary of the late Bishop Joseph Gasi Abangite, “Bishop Gasi Day”, on Friday, September 15, 2023, Bishop Eduardo recognizes the impact Bishop Abangite had on the lives of numerous individuals.

“My memories of Bishop Gasi Abangite are vivid and enduring. I am not alone in this. Bishop Joseph Gasi Abangite touched the lives of many, many people in ways that are not forgotten”.
Bishop Gasi who passed away on 13 September 2014 had been at the helm of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) since his Episcopal Ordination in April 1975. He retired in April 2008 at the age of 80.

This year’s Bishop Gasi Day was marked from September 12-15, themed as “Celebrating Titarani Gasi Abangite in New-Leadership Worthy Following”, and marked with the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation and blessings of associations.
In his homily on Friday, September 15th during the celebration, Bishop Eduardo emphasized Bishop Abangite’s belief that life is a pilgrimage and that our ultimate fulfillment comes from the vision of God.
“We cannot understand and value the good of this mortal life unless we have a clear vision of that other life of immortality’. Bishop Abangite used these words to introduce his reflections on the value of prayers, something he loved deeply”.

He also highlighted Bishop Abangite’s strong emphasis on prayers saying that for Bishop Abangite prayer was not just a theoretical concept but something to be practiced daily.
“He knew that these priorities had to be put into practice, not simply talked about. And at the center of that practice was prayer: his prayer, his teaching about prayer, and his call to us, always to be a people of prayer. During the year’s main celebrations, he spoke about prayer and we knew we were listening to words fashioned not in theory but in daily practice”.

The prelate further noted Bishop Abangite’s strong faith even during his suffering days mentioning his deep connection with the crucifix and how it served as a focal point for his prayer, “He often spoke of his morning prayer before it, and how, when his mind was tired, he would simply gaze at the figure of Jesus. It was there, he told people who asked for his prayers, that he remembered them each day. He once wrote: ‘Looking prayerfully at the image of Christ dying on the Cross is an essential exercise for all who are in search of God. This became more and more important to him. When he was in the pain of his final illness that was the only form of his prayer: looking at the cross, touching the wounds of Jesus with his fingers, placing himself in his outstretched arms”.
He added, “Behind every crucifix,’ he wrote, ‘hidden, for we cannot see him, stands our Risen Lord, there is life hidden in every suffering and pain is the joy of closer union with him. His is the victory. He invites us to share it.’ This was the faith that enabled him to write that unforgettable letter, sent to his priests when he heard the news of his impending death. He wrote, ‘I have received two wonderful graces. First, I have been given time to prepare for a new future. Secondly, I find myself – uncharacteristically – calm and at peace”.
In his Friday homily, he shared that he has the privilege of praying in the same chapel and using the same spaces that Bishop Abangite once used something he considered a blessing in his life.
He went on to appreciate the thousands of Christians including government officials, religious leaders, the king, and community organizations for their support and involvement in the celebration of Bishop Gasi Day.

“I thank you all for coming to this Mass. I thank the All-Saints Central Deanery, All the priests, Religious, Hon. National Minister of Labor, Hon Commissioner of Juba County, all the government officials of all levels, all people of God of CDTY, our beloved King of the Azande, NGOs, CBOs, Youths, CSOs, for helping so much in its preparation and for the beautiful impacts you have produced. They contain many lovely memories and reflections. Please do ponder on them attentively and quietly. They will reward such careful activities”.
Concluding his homily with thanksgiving prayer, Bishop Eduardo, thanked God for Bisho Abangite’s life and ministry and requested guidance to follow in his footsteps and ultimately know God face to face.

“Educator, Diplomat, and Peacemaker”: Vicar General Recalls Bishop Gasi’s Life
By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
At the launching of the celebration of Bishop Gasi day, Fr. Bagbiowia Thomas the Vicar General of CDTY underscored that the late Bishop Gasi was a profound spiritual man, affectionately known as “Baasaangbaa mbori,” which meant a man of God, he was a beacon of love and faith that radiated from his very being.
During the launching at St. Mary Mother of God Parish, Yambio, Fr. Thomas stressed that Bishop Gasi’s legacy was one of selflessness, inclusivity, and patriotism. His love for his nation and its people was unwavering, and he served as a guiding light for all. His life, a testament to faith, morality, leadership, and diplomacy, continues to inspire generations, urging them to embrace his qualities and values in their own lives and communities.
In his presentation, Fr. Thomas said that Bishop Gasi was the cornerstone of his existence. He embodied God’s love in every aspect of his life. His unwavering commitment to prayer was a testament to his faith, and he was known for his steadfastness in this regard. His life was marked by the virtues of celibacy, chastity, and purity of heart, qualities that he held dear and exemplified for all to see.
He added that what set Bishop Gasi apart was his authenticity. He didn’t just preach about his faith; he lived it. He engaged in heartfelt conversations with God, speaking to Him, talking about Him, and talking with Him as if God were a constant presence in his life. His existence was a sacramental journey of holiness, and he sought regular penance and confession, with Fr. Andrea Mbuniwia being his trusted confidant.
He further explained that as remarkable as his spiritual life was, Bishop Gasi’s moral character was equally exceptional. He had a remarkable command over his passions and emotions, and there was never a whisper of irregularity in his moral life. His chastity was an unwavering commitment that left no room for doubt.
Reflecting on his leadership styles, the Vicar acknowledged that his influence extended far beyond his personal virtues. He was a shepherd to his flock, and his love for his community knew no bounds. He held a special place in his heart for the priests, religious men, and women under his care. With a passion for education, he established schools that became pillars of knowledge and enlightenment in the region.
He added, his leadership as a shepherd was marked by a deep connection with his people. He cared for them with a love that was contagious and guided them spiritually and morally. His pastoral visits to all the parishes and institutions were a testament to his accessibility and concern for every member, big or small. He was a loving father to his community, the embodiment of their faith.
Bishop Gasi’s intellectual prowess was another facet of his remarkable character. “A teacher by profession, he was an eloquent speaker, proficient in several languages, including English, Latin, Italian, French, and his mother tongue, not to mention his grasp of Arabic’, he explained. He was a man of his times, well-informed and updated, making him a source of wisdom for those around him.
In his speech during the launching, the Vicar stated that diplomacy was yet another skill in Bishop Gasi’s arsenal. He approached matters with a measured and thoughtful perspective, never rushing into decisions. His interpersonal relationships were exceptional, and his reputation was one of trustworthiness and reliability. He was esteemed and valued not only within his church but also by civil and religious leaders alike.
He also said that values like integrity, transparency, love, holiness, humility, and visionary leadership were ingrained in Bishop Gasi’s character. He was a patient and tolerant leader, capable of bringing people together. His fatherhood extended beyond his church; he was a true peacemaker and reconciler, playing a pivotal role in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between late John Garage and Doctor Riek Machar.
Bishop Gasi, the man of God, had left an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of those fortunate enough to know him.
SARD Institute Students Set Out on a Journey of Personal Growth
A group of 11 students from Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (SARD) Institute, comprising 4 women and 7 men, 11th 9, 2023, embarked on an enriching two-month practical experience at the renowned Solidarity Farm in Riimencie. “It was a day filled with blessings, good wishes, and heartfelt farewells as the students set out on a journey that promised not only personal growth but also a deepened sense of solidarity”, says Br. Kyalo.
The 4 women and 7 men, representing diverse backgrounds and interests, symbolized the unity in diversity that SARD Institute holds dear. They wore bright smiles that mirrored their enthusiasm for this unique journey. The students had spent weeks preparing for the journey by practicing different farming technologies, which included making the “Mandala Garden”, but nothing could fully prepare them for the transformative experiences that lay ahead.
SARD Institute is an initiative of the CDTY initiated in 2021, with the sole objective of transforming a peaceful, food-secure, and economically enabled society through improved modern sustainable agriculture for rural development.
The SARD institute has three agriculture courses, which include,16 months, 6 months, and 1-6 weeks courses. Currently, the institute operates at St. Augustine Parish in Yambio.
The institute has established a demonstration farm at St. Augustine Parish of about one hectare which has been divided into small plots of 150m square per student for practical training.
Bishop Gasi’s Unforgettable Legacy Unites Yambio’s Community and Government Leaders
By. Baraka John
The National Minister of Public Service Hon. Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro together with the commissioner of Juba County landed in the morning Tuesday at Yambio airstrip to attend the 9th anniversary of Bishop Joseph Gasi slated for this week.
Hon. Bakosoro was received by the deputy governor of Western Equatoria State Dr. Keneedy Gaaniko, commissioner of Yambio County, Hon. Mbiko Barakati, and other government officials.
Speaking to reporters, Hon. Bakosoro noted that he came to join the people of CDTY in celebrating the life of Bishop Titarani Joseph Gasi.
“We are grateful to be here. I came purposely to attend the anniversary of Bishop Joseph Gasi, and we came together with the commissioner of Juba County to learn more about Yambio”.
Hon. Charles Joseph Wani acknowledged that his visit is based on the invitation to attend the feast of the iconic Bishop Joseph Gasi, whom he described as a man with unforgettable legacies.
“We came here based on an invitation on the occasion of the memorial of Bishop Joseph Gasi. We also brought the wishes of the people of Juba to you ahead of this feast”, Wani stated.
Some parishioners in the Catholic diocese of Tambura Yambio have started arriving at the venue of the feast.