South Sudan’s Interfaith Council Concerned about Rising Violence, Calling Upon Leaders to Rise Above Politics of Hate and Division and Join Hands to Promote Peace
By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA
Faith groups in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria State (WES) have expressed concerns over the escalating violence in the region stating that as a Country they have a history of war and no responsible leader should sound the drums of war calling upon them to “rise above the politics of hate and division and join hands for what makes peaceful coexistence and promotion of life”.
In their letter dated Thursday, April 27th, 2023, and signed by leaders of the Inter-Faith Council for Peace Initiative including the Council Chairperson, Bishop Hiiboro Kussala of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Tombura -Yambio, the leaders lamented over the “incitement of one tribe against another and instigation of one community against another”.
“Of recent, one cannot but be saddened by the unbelievable amount of harsh speeches and utterances that are in circulation and fed into the ears and sprayed into the air for consumption. This aggravates the already existing tensions and fractures that we have observed in our communities over the years. All these are intimations that we live in an atmosphere of anger, bitterness, violence, hate, war, displacements, loss of property, and psychological imbalances. We have observed that there is incitement of one tribe against another and instigation of one community against another. It is very irresponsible for leaders to utter threats of violence and war.”
They added, “it is the responsibility of every citizen to consolidate the relative peace that we enjoy in WES and safeguard it with all zealousness.”
The Inter-faith Council for Peace Initiative in WES has urged the citizens to be on guard against the infiltration of foreign influence and elements that can implicate, divide and destabilize WES.
“We should be on guard against the infiltration of foreign influence and elements that can implicate, divide and destabilize WES. The presence of the Ambororo and Seleka in WES is a national security threat that needs to be addressed while taking into account the interest and well-being of our communities and the national integrity of the Republic of South Sudan”.
The religious leaders noted that they are concerned with the insecurity in Rii-Yubu Payam caused by the conflicts on the border of South Sudan with the Central African Republic which has brought the three years long preparation for the centenary celebration to a halt.
The Inter-Faith Council for Peace Initiative leaders has further called upon all believers to speak the words of peace, to exude peace in their attitudes, and cultivate peace in every word they utter, stressing that “peace is the language of God to all believers and followers of all religions and Faith”.
They appealed to the WES leaders to desist from using harmful words and use words that build their communities, words that build bridges, words that reconcile and create relationships.
“as leaders, it is your responsibility to work for peace, for without peace, we cannot attain the development and prosperity that we all desire in WES. Our society needs peace, and peace will only be realized by consciously working for it and cultivating it. Hate Speech, defamation, character assassination can never be ingredients of peace”.
The leaders also appealed to the National Government to come closer and form an independent commission of credible persons to listen to the communities of WES and come out with the results of the investigation that will be made public.
To the International Communities, UN agencies, and Non-Governmental Originations, the leaders appealed to them, especially those tasked with monitoring and assisting in the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement to intensify their collaboration and support for peace initiatives in WES and the Republic of South Sudan at large.
“We appeal to all our believers and people of goodwill to do all it takes to ensure peace prevails and takes root in South Sudan. Above all, we urge our faithful to persevere in prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray for Peace”.
Late Boboya William has Been Laid to Rest at his Father’s Resident Hai Kuzee in Yambio, with a Call from Bishop Eduardo Urging the Citizens not to “Take Law in their Hands”
BY Joseph Ernesto
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, joined mourners for the burial of late Boboya William, the son of Western Equatorial’s famous Businessman Nyankagba Gbizaramba.

Boboya William Nyakangba was shot on 19th April 2023 at the entry to his residential house in Gudule West sug Zande by unknown gunmen in Juba and died on Saturday, April 22 2023 at Giada Military Hospital in Juba capital of South Sudan.
He was born on 8th -9-1989.

He has been put to rest at his father’s residence in Hai Kuzee of Yambio town. He has left behind four children.
Bishop Hiiboro speaking before the burial urges the family of the late William not to create division amongst themselves but should pray for his Saul to rest in peace as there is no clear information behind his unfortunate death.

He also called upon the citizens of Western Equatoria and South Sudan at large not to take the laws into their hands.
The catholic bishop described the late as a martyr of hard work; he previously worked as a logistic in the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio.
St. Theresa Mission Hospital Owns New Solar System to Provide Power for its Daily Activities
By Joseph Ernesto
A new solar system has been installed at St. Theresa Mission Hospital Nzara, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan to provide sufficient power in the hospital with 300 solar panels, 120Kw of solar, 120KWH Lithium battery and 110KVa generator.

According to co-owner of model electrical from Austria Mr. Simon Dingemanse the solar system will supply power for a maximum of ten years.
Mr. Simon the solar installation technician who has visited St. Theresa Mission Hospital for the second time on the purpose of installing a solar system to guarantee adequate power to run the Hospital said, “the Solar system will guarantee enough power in the Hospital for a maximum of more than ten years if managed well. The last installation had run efficiently for seven years and because the Hospital is very big that it is now running low”.

Mr. Simon urged the Hospital management to make better use of the power to run the laboratory and supply power for inpatients. He said they also have installed internet to enable them to monitor the system all the way from Australia.

St. Theresa Mission Hospital under the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio has numerous departments that need power supply such as maternity ward, surgical ward, and blood bank, among many others.
Bishop Eduardo on his part noted that the Diocese remains extremely grateful to the friends of St. Theresa in Australia for passing the skills and knowledge to the young people within Western Equatoria and above all for the continual sustainable support for St. Theresa.

The prelate also acknowledged the support Australians are giving to their people who are refugees in Australia thanking them for not forgetting where they are coming from.
He also thanked Dr. Daniel Dolly for stepping forward in his activities to get this project realized by bringing engineers and scientists in Western Equatoria despite the bad stories that surround South Sudan.

He further urged the people of South Sudan to build good relationship, to do the same to their brothers and sisters around the world, “be generous, what you have share with those in need”.
World Malaria Day 2023 Commemorated in Yambio, with the Call to Sleep Under Mosquito Net
By Waure Eddy
25th of April each year the world commemorates “World Malaria Day”. This year, on April 25, 2023, Western Equatoria State joined the rest of the world to celebrate the achievement done to end zero malaria in South Sudan at large.
The theme for this year is “Time to deliver zero malaria”.
The State Ministry of Health Western Equatoria State together with the National Ministry of Health and other partners joined hands to Commemorate the day in Yambio with the call for all to sleep under mosquito net.

Speaking at Yambio Freedom Square, the Deputy Director of Social Behavior Changes Specialist at the National Ministry of Health, Mr. Daniel Dwieh said that the national ministry will continue to increase giving awareness about malaria, “it’s our corrective effort to prevent malaria”.
WHO Representative Dr. Lagu stated that in 2015 over 2 million people were affected by Malaria and half of a million died every year? Malaria still continues to be the leading disease, according to the report seen by WHO.
On the other hand, the State Minister of Health Hon. Arona Abdullah promised that they are going to work hand in hand with WHO, UNICEF, and other partners to take this program seriously by providing the basic need to prevent malaria.
Ho. Arona thanked the UNICEF representative who pledged that UNICEF will provide 60, 0000 Mosquitos Net, to help mothers and children who are mostly affected.
Previously Planned “Launching of Centenary Celebration in Ave Maria Catholic Mission Ngboko”, postponed
By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA
The launching of the centenary celebration that had been slated to take place at the Ave Maria Catholic Mission Ngboko on April 29th, 2023, in Rii – Yubu, Tombura County has been called off “due to the military confrontation taking place currently in Rii – Yubu”.
In a statement signed by Rev. Fr. Dominic Sasa, the Chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio stated that as a Diocese, they call and appeal for calm in Rii – Yubu, thus requesting for prayer intentions for the current insecurity happening both in Sudan and South Sudan. “Our hearts and prayers go for those who lost their lives and may God comfort their families and their dear ones”.
In their statement dated 24th April 2023, the organizing committee thanked the diocese and all invited guests for responding to their kind invitation and at the same time apologizing for the inconvenience that has taken place due to this decision.
The statement further indicated that the ordination of their three candidates to the priesthood will take place at St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Parish Yambio on the 30th of April 2023 from 9.00 am.
Tuka Christo Holy Cross Shrine Nyengiri, the Newest Shrine in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura – Yambio Erected
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio on 16th April 2023, the Divine Mercy Sunday, joined the faithful Christians of St. Luke Parish Nyengiri for the Eucharist celebration. During the celebration, the prelate erected a shrine of the Holy Cross.
According to Bishop Kussala, the dream of having the shrine of the Holy Cross in Nyengiri was as a result of his visit to Nyengiri in 2003.
“The dream of the Shrine of the Holy Cross in Nyengiri is of several years ago. I first visited Nyengiri in 2003, I was impressed by the height and beauty of Bario Rocky Mountain and told Rev. Fr. Martin Sakondo that, it would be great if we have a cross on this mountain and dedicate it to Christ the Creator”, the bishop explained.
He continued, “Bario Rocky Mountain of Nyengiri is a story of people coming together to create something greater than themselves. It is a pioneer story in this area typical of our country. It is also the Christian’s story of searching for God. In the Bible there are many stories of special places being honored because the people had encountered God. These places are special not because of human effort, but because of the presence of the Divine”.
In his speech, he underscored that “the significant meaning of every shrine is to be a reminder in the faith of the salvific work of the Lord”.
Bishop noted that he has seen the need for a lonely place for prayers, retreat, recollection, devotions, holy gathering, picnic and leisure, he envisioned a place that would call people to a greater devotion to God the true source of life.
Bishop Kussala named and blessed the corner “Bishop’s stone and the cross; “TUKA KRISTO BARIO”. Tuka in Pazande means Shrine, a place sacred, place set aside for specific sacrifices, unity of the family, power house, etc.
In his homily, Bishop Hiiboro advised young people to ask God to be their guide in life. Always to be united with Jesus, to look and embrace the Cross of Christ, since behind any cross there is life, as their inspiration to draw closer to Christ
He acknowledged that the Parish newest shrine in Nyengiri Ezo county will continue to serve the needs of His pilgrim people as they search for spiritual growth and wholeness on their pilgrimage to Him.
If you wish to help the Shrine with your time, talent or treasure contact Parish Priest of St. Luke de Evangelist Rev. Fr. Justin Atoroba +21191794858 or +211927397004.
“Promoting Health, Education, and Children’s Empowerment is part of the Mandates of my Diocese”, Says Bishop Hiiboro as he Launches the Construction of Orphan’s Dormitory in Nzara County
By Joseph Ernesto
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio on Tuesday, 19 April 2023, launched the construction of a residential institution for the care and education of orphans in Nzara County of Western Equatoria State.

Speaking at the launch, His Lordship Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kusala said that the construction of the institution is part of the mandates of his diocese to help and promote health, education, and children’s empowerment adding that helping an orphanage is like transforming the world.

For her part, 80-year-old Rev. Sr Bianca who has been a long-serving sister/guardian of the orphans expressed her happiness saying, she is grateful to the partners for the support of the construction as it will provide a safe and conducive environment to take care of the orphans,
Sr. Bianca left Tambura County where she has been staying for a long with the orphans taking care of them, but due to tribal conflict in the county 2 years ago that resulted in the loss of lives and thousands displaced, she had to leave the place to Nzara where they have been staying under shelters.
According to the managing director of the contracted company for the construction, Mr. Jackson Fudu explains that they have signed two years contracts with Sudan Relief Fund and the first phase of the constriction will finish in four months with the construction of the two dormitories two for both girls and boys.
Fudu added that despite the challenges of poor roads in transporting most of the building materials to the working site, the company will work hard to execute the project in the time frame given.
Fr. Anthony Bangoye priest in charge of Queen of Peace Nakindo Sene Catholic Parish Nzara welcomed the developmental activities in the Diocese citing that it will improve the lives of the orphans.
He calls on the parishioners to support the project in every aspect to ensure that the project is well executed.
South Sudan Catholic Bishops Saddened by Fighting in Sudan, Calls for an End to Fighting and a Revert to Dialogue
By Sr. Henriette Anne FSSA
South Sudan Catholic Bishops have in one voice called upon Sudan to stop fighting and revert to dialogue in order to preserve the unity of the country and not further the suffering of the people.
“The majority of the people in Sudan are suffering and they yearn for peace. In order to preserve the unity of the country and not to further the suffering of the people, we call for an end to the fighting and revert to dialogue”.
On their Monday, April 17th statement, stated: “that they are deeply concerned for the loss of lives and properties, we are aware that many people are trapped by fighting away from their homes but with no way to access basic needs for their survival and their families”.
The statement signed by Archbishop Stephen Ameyu Mula, the president of Sudan and South Sudan Conference of the Catholic Bishops further called upon Christian communities in the Diocese of South Sudan to dedicate their time to prayers and fasting for their brothers and sisters in Sudan at this difficult moment.
They added, “Let us keep the spirit of Easter alive through prayers for peace to reign in Sudan, they continued, we are aware that families can suffer from the lack of basic needs when there is armed conflict. We pray for the protection of all the people caught in the conflict”.
Reflecting on the second letter of St. Paul to Thessalonians 3:13, “Never grow tired of doing what is right”, the church leaders stressed that the verse calls for prayers and for calm in Sudan.
“We stand in Solidarity with His Eminence Gabriel Card, Zubeir Wako, H.G Michael Didi the Archbishop of Khartoum, H.L. Tombe Trile of El-Obeid Diocese and H.L. Daniel Adwok the Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum. On the same note, we pray for God’s protection of the Apostolic Nuncio to Khartoum H.G. Monsignor Luis Miguel Munoz Cardaba and indeed all our Christians and the people of Sudan”, the statement reads.
In a different statement dated 18th April 2023, from the Republic of South Sudan, the Ministry of the Presidential Affairs update on the unfolding situation in South Sudan, President Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of the Republic of South Sudan met the chairperson of the Sudan Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and His Deputy General Mohmed Hamdan Dagalo. “In his discussion with both leaders, President Kiir persuaded them to agree to a humanitarian ceasefire. Their discussion ended with both parties agreeing to a 24-hour ceasefire, this will allow civilians to access essential supplies and also provide a safe window for the wounded to be taken to the hospital for medical attention”.
According to Eye Radio, at least three South Sudanese reportedly killed amid the clashes in the Sudanese capital city.
A report by the UN office in Khartoum states that at least 185 people have been killed and over 1800 wounded since the fighting erupted.
“Stop Instigating Violence and Tribalism”, Hon. Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro to the congregants during Easter in Yambio
By Joseph Ernesto
National Minister of Public Services during the Easter celebration on 9th April 2023, at St Mary Catholic parish Yambio urged faithful Christians to be committed to prayers and stop instigating violence that destroys the nation and affects the lives of innocent people.
Hon. Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro advised Christians to stop hate speech in the communities adding that, people should live with their family members in peace rather than creating hate speech amongst themselves.
He further warned the citizens of Western Equatoria state not to create division amongst themselves with other tribes but to embrace peace in their various houses.
In relative development, Bakosoro encouraged the community to cultivate their lands in order to produce enough food for consumption and sell parts of them to earn income while discouraging sitting idols which may lead to evil activities.
He further called on the people from rural areas to stop laziness and cultivate to produce enough food to sustain their living and be able to send their children to school.