The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio is one of the dioceses in South Sudan, situated in former Western Equatoria State bordering Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo. This Diocese is a member of the Catholic Bishop's Conference of Sudan and South Sudan. The jurisdiction of the diocese covers Seven (7) Counties of former Western Equatoria State, namely, Maridi, Ibba, Yambio, Nzara, Ezo, Tombura and Nagero.
Ecclesiastically, the Diocese comprises of Thirty Five (35) parishes which are grouped into Six Deaneries (Corpus Christi Eastern Deanery maridi, Resurrection Mid -East Deanery, All saints Central Deanery Yambio, Holy Cross central West Deanery Nzara, Holy Spirit Mid-West Deanery-Ezo and Our Lady Queen of South Sudan Western Deanary-Tombura). The current population of Catholics is over 1,000,000, constituting over 60% of the total population. The majority of the inhabitants of the region are the Azande, together with other ethnic groups such as Balanda, Baka, Mundu, Muru, Avukaya, among others.

Our Vision
A Diocese inspired by St. Joseph the Worker, United, Evangelized, self-reliant, participatory and Missionary.

Our Mission
“To empower the people of God through the Word of God, Sacraments and Catechesis to be Witnesses of the Good News of Christ by establishing a participatory servant Church”

Core Values
- The Word of God
- Holiness of Life
- Unity
- Team Work
- Responsibility
- Life enhancement
- Equality
- Service
- Participation
- Catholic Spirituality
- Justice